Tapered thread ?

All info relating to the Denford Turn270 and NewTurn270 CNC lathes

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Joined: Sat 02 Dec , 2023 12:08 pm
Hardware/Software: Turn270pro/vrturn

Tapered thread ?

Post by hakyoungsoo » Sun 03 Dec , 2023 2:55 am


I have turn270pro.

I'm study now.

I want to make PT1/2 nipple (Tapered thread).
Is it can tapered thread?

Is it can Clockwise - counterclockwise spindle rotation?

Thank you..

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Re: Tapered thread ?

Post by Steve » Wed 06 Dec , 2023 9:55 am


The Turn270PRO will not cut does not have a command for taper thread cutting.

The spindle only runs in reverse.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sat 02 Dec , 2023 12:08 pm
Hardware/Software: Turn270pro/vrturn

Re: Tapered thread ?

Post by hakyoungsoo » Sat 06 Apr , 2024 14:34 pm

Do you have any plans to support?

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