Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Moderators: Martin, Steve, Mr Magoo
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Sat 31 Oct , 2015 21:33 pm
- Hardware/Software: Denford Triac with original hardware/software
Denford Orac recently updated with Mac3 - Location: Redhill, Surrey. U.K.
Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Hi All,
I am quite new to the art of programming an Orac MWP84 which uses the “original software”. As such, I have spent many a long cold hour this winter in my garage logging the procedure for getting underway if you are like me, a relative novice. I hope my descriptions are clear enough to be followed by all newbies.
Read carefully, input with care, carry out as many “DRY RUNS” as are necessary and most importantly “I am not to blame if you crash your machine”.
I have given this an Issue 1 status so that alterations can be made and updated if necessary. Please get back to me if you find errors or typos which need up-dating.
Good Luck.
Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
(Issue. 1. Jan 2017)
Turn machine “ON” at mains switch (13 Amp socket outlet).
Wait a minute or so for the m/c to warm up & show info on the Green Screen display.
Chuck should have no resistance if turned manually.
You should have a basic program ready to enter into the m/c to begin with. (Use the example below.)
Green Screen display, press (5) ENTER NEW PROGRAM.
On the “DATA INPUT” pad, press 5, press E (this will take you to page 1 to begin your program).
Press the Double Down Arrows (DDA) to continue to the next page, when finish entering data.
Pg1. “DATA INPUT” Press G70/G71 (G70 = Imperial measure, G71 = Metric measure). DDA.
Pg2. “DATA INPUT” Press G90/G91 (G90 = Absolute measure, G91 = Incremental measure). DDA.
Pg3. “DATA INPUT” Press G50 (G50 = X & Z Datum positions). Enter X 25.0 E, Z 5.0 E. DDA.
Pg4. “DATA INPUT” Press M03 (M03 = Spindle ON in CW direction). DDA.
Pg5. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. (G01 = controlled feed rate, G00 = rapid feed rate, 1200 mm/min max). (This is to move the tool to near the start of the cut.) “X” 13.0 E, “Z” 0.0 E, FEED RATE 500 E, TOOL – No 1 E, SPINDLE – SPEED 1200 E, DDA.
Pg6. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 0.0 E, “Z” 0.0 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg7. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 11.5 E, “Z” 0.0 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg8. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 12.0 E, “Z” -0.5 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg9. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 12.0 E, “Z” -30.0 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg10. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 13.0 E, “Z” 1.0 E, FEED RATE 1200 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg11. “DATA INPUT” Press M05. (Spindle STOP) DDA.
Pg12. “DATA INPUT” Press M02. (End Of Program).
F1 QUIT (To Leave Program Pages).
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (8) GRAPHIC SIMULATION. E
BILLET SIZE? Diameter 30.0 E
(I have chosen a size bigger than the actual bar size so that the cut will be visible in the simulation)
Length (outside chuck) 44.0 E
Diameter (for drill size press D) else E to continue.
A simulated Chuck with your bar protruding will be shown on screen.
If you wish to increase the scale of this picture, “DATA INPUT” press the SINGLE UP ARROW key. (Multiple presses will increase the image further.)
If you wish to decrease the scale of this picture, “DATA INPUT”, press the SINGLE DOWN ARROW key.
To exit this section, add tools for simulation and to RUN simulation, “DATA INPUT”, E
The tools list/shapes will be displayed at the bottom of the Green Screen display.
Begin by pressing 0,1,2, etc until all tools you require are shown with a number below each tool. Press E
Run the “SIMULATION” which will be shown on the Green Screen display to show your program is safe and correct.
To RUN simulation, “MANUAL” Press Green START.
To QUIT simulation, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP.
You will now have returned back to the Main Menu on the Green Screen display.
Place part in chuck and tighten.
Press and release “EMERGENCY STOP” button to enter manual mode.
To move between the three settings below, “MANUAL” Press the HAND key and watch the display alter in the bottom right hand corner of the Green Screen display.
FAST FEED – Moves Very Quickly.
SLOW FEED – Moves More Slowly.
STEP FEED – Moves at 0.01m/m Increments Per Press.
Place R.H. turning tool in tool post.
Press Spindle “ON” (green button on “SPINDLE CONTROL” pad).
Continue pressing “+” key (“SPINDLE CONTROL” pad) to increase spindle speed to desired RPM, this will be displayed on the Green Screen display. (I am using an Aluminium bar of about 25.4mm diameter and about 63mm long to carry out this set-up and therefore have taken the spindle speed up to 1000 RPM).
Manually jog the tool to face off the end of the part in the chuck to allow accurate setting of the tools in a “Z” direction (in the direction of the chuck).
Manually jog the tool to turn a random diameter on the part in the chuck to allow accurate setting of the tools in a “X” direction (at 90 Degrees to the chuck).
Turn the spindle “OFF” (red stop button on “SPINDLE CONTROL” pad).
Jog X & Z away from the part in the chuck and remove the tool.
In order to leave this section, press red stop button on “MANUAL” pad.
You will now have returned back to the Main Menu on the Green Screen display.
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (7) EXECUTE PROGRAM. E
Green Screen display. MANUAL OPERATION displayed on screen.
TOOL OFFSETS Page now displayed.
Tool No 0 (zero), E
Place TOOL 0 into the tool post. (Mine is a piece of steel in the shape of a small engineers square, pointing towards the chuck).
To move between the three settings below, “MANUAL” Press the HAND key and watch the display alter in the bottom right hand corner of the Green Screen display.
FAST FEED – Moves Very Quickly.
SLOW FEED – Moves More Slowly.
STEP FEED – Moves at 0.01m/m Increments Per Press.
Jog the tool up against the end of the turned bar in the chuck, in the Z direction, using “MANUAL” directional keys.
(Or, use the “SLIP” method. This requires the use of a known width “SLIP” which is slid in and out between the tool and the bar end whilst jogging the tool towards the bar, until it is considered a tight enough fit that it will not fall out under its own weight. This size is recorded but later you must return to the tool library to adjust the tool offsets to remove the “SLIP” width from the recorded sizes.)
To confirm this “Z” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP. (The cursor will move from “Touch Z0 Plane” down to “Touch known X diameter”.)
Jog the tool to carry out the same procedure, but this time in the X direction, against the bar diameter.
To confirm this “X” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP. (The cursor will move from “Touch known X diameter” down to “Key-In Dia”.)
Jog saddle away from bar in chuck, remove TOOL 0 from the tool post, place TOOL 1 into the tool post and begin the above process again.
You must start with, Tool No 1 E
Jog the tool up against the end of the turned bar in the chuck, in the Z direction.
To confirm this “Z” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP.
Jog the tool to carry out the same procedure, but this time in the X direction, against the bar diameter.
To confirm this “X” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP.
Jog saddle away from bar in chuck, remove TOOL 1 from the tool post, place TOOL 2 into the tool post and begin the above process again for this and subsequent tools.
Now carry out a “DRY RUN”.
Now run the program using tools in the tool post but NO part in the chuck.
Machine runs up slowly, to continue, “MANUAL” Press Green START (sometimes more than once). Spindle will increase to program speed, then begin the program routine and end with a return to the tool change position.
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (7) EXECUTE PROGRAM. E “MANUAL” Press Red STOP
Green Screen display “F” 1 E
Machine runs up slowly, to continue, “MANUAL” Press Green START. Spindle will increase to program speed, then begin the program routine and end with a return to the tool change position.
If you are satisfied there will be no accident, run it again, this time include the tools placed in the tool post and return the part to the chuck.
If you used the “SLIP” method, the tool should not touch the bar in the chuck as it should be the slip width away in both X & Z directions. I used a 0.5mm “SLIP”.
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (7) EXECUTE PROGRAM. E
TOOL OFFSETS Page now displayed.
T0 X 000.00 Z 000.00
T1 X -002.47 Z 042.83
To make alterations to the tool offsets, use the left, right, up, down SINGLE ARROW keys on the “DATA INPUT” pad.
NB. You must ONLY decrease the “X” figure by HALF the amount you wish to remove from the bar diameter. i.e. To decrease the bar diameter by 1.0mm you must reduce the “X” offset by 0.5mm.
For T1 X -0.25 to X -002.22 and Z +0.5 to Z 043.33
(This is assuming that a 0.5mm slip was used to set the tools.)
When all tools lengths and diameters have been adjusted, “DATA INPUT” F to EXIT. With the tools offset page showing on the Green Screen display, Press “F” 1 E “MANUAL” Press Green START.
Run the program and you should now have a completed part which will need its sizes checking and any minor alterations made to each tools offsets in the TOOL OFFSETS to achieve the desired finished part.
To REMOVE more material from work diameter, DECREASE “X” figure in tool offset for that tool.
To move tool TOWARDS the chuck, INCREASE “Z” figure in tool offset for that tool.
Remember to save your program if you wish to re-use it.
Hi All,
I am quite new to the art of programming an Orac MWP84 which uses the “original software”. As such, I have spent many a long cold hour this winter in my garage logging the procedure for getting underway if you are like me, a relative novice. I hope my descriptions are clear enough to be followed by all newbies.
Read carefully, input with care, carry out as many “DRY RUNS” as are necessary and most importantly “I am not to blame if you crash your machine”.
I have given this an Issue 1 status so that alterations can be made and updated if necessary. Please get back to me if you find errors or typos which need up-dating.
Good Luck.
Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
(Issue. 1. Jan 2017)
Turn machine “ON” at mains switch (13 Amp socket outlet).
Wait a minute or so for the m/c to warm up & show info on the Green Screen display.
Chuck should have no resistance if turned manually.
You should have a basic program ready to enter into the m/c to begin with. (Use the example below.)
Green Screen display, press (5) ENTER NEW PROGRAM.
On the “DATA INPUT” pad, press 5, press E (this will take you to page 1 to begin your program).
Press the Double Down Arrows (DDA) to continue to the next page, when finish entering data.
Pg1. “DATA INPUT” Press G70/G71 (G70 = Imperial measure, G71 = Metric measure). DDA.
Pg2. “DATA INPUT” Press G90/G91 (G90 = Absolute measure, G91 = Incremental measure). DDA.
Pg3. “DATA INPUT” Press G50 (G50 = X & Z Datum positions). Enter X 25.0 E, Z 5.0 E. DDA.
Pg4. “DATA INPUT” Press M03 (M03 = Spindle ON in CW direction). DDA.
Pg5. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. (G01 = controlled feed rate, G00 = rapid feed rate, 1200 mm/min max). (This is to move the tool to near the start of the cut.) “X” 13.0 E, “Z” 0.0 E, FEED RATE 500 E, TOOL – No 1 E, SPINDLE – SPEED 1200 E, DDA.
Pg6. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 0.0 E, “Z” 0.0 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg7. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 11.5 E, “Z” 0.0 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg8. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 12.0 E, “Z” -0.5 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg9. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 12.0 E, “Z” -30.0 E, FEED RATE 100 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg10. “DATA INPUT” Press G00/G01. “X” 13.0 E, “Z” 1.0 E, FEED RATE 1200 E, E, E, DDA.
Pg11. “DATA INPUT” Press M05. (Spindle STOP) DDA.
Pg12. “DATA INPUT” Press M02. (End Of Program).
F1 QUIT (To Leave Program Pages).
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (8) GRAPHIC SIMULATION. E
BILLET SIZE? Diameter 30.0 E
(I have chosen a size bigger than the actual bar size so that the cut will be visible in the simulation)
Length (outside chuck) 44.0 E
Diameter (for drill size press D) else E to continue.
A simulated Chuck with your bar protruding will be shown on screen.
If you wish to increase the scale of this picture, “DATA INPUT” press the SINGLE UP ARROW key. (Multiple presses will increase the image further.)
If you wish to decrease the scale of this picture, “DATA INPUT”, press the SINGLE DOWN ARROW key.
To exit this section, add tools for simulation and to RUN simulation, “DATA INPUT”, E
The tools list/shapes will be displayed at the bottom of the Green Screen display.
Begin by pressing 0,1,2, etc until all tools you require are shown with a number below each tool. Press E
Run the “SIMULATION” which will be shown on the Green Screen display to show your program is safe and correct.
To RUN simulation, “MANUAL” Press Green START.
To QUIT simulation, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP.
You will now have returned back to the Main Menu on the Green Screen display.
Place part in chuck and tighten.
Press and release “EMERGENCY STOP” button to enter manual mode.
To move between the three settings below, “MANUAL” Press the HAND key and watch the display alter in the bottom right hand corner of the Green Screen display.
FAST FEED – Moves Very Quickly.
SLOW FEED – Moves More Slowly.
STEP FEED – Moves at 0.01m/m Increments Per Press.
Place R.H. turning tool in tool post.
Press Spindle “ON” (green button on “SPINDLE CONTROL” pad).
Continue pressing “+” key (“SPINDLE CONTROL” pad) to increase spindle speed to desired RPM, this will be displayed on the Green Screen display. (I am using an Aluminium bar of about 25.4mm diameter and about 63mm long to carry out this set-up and therefore have taken the spindle speed up to 1000 RPM).
Manually jog the tool to face off the end of the part in the chuck to allow accurate setting of the tools in a “Z” direction (in the direction of the chuck).
Manually jog the tool to turn a random diameter on the part in the chuck to allow accurate setting of the tools in a “X” direction (at 90 Degrees to the chuck).
Turn the spindle “OFF” (red stop button on “SPINDLE CONTROL” pad).
Jog X & Z away from the part in the chuck and remove the tool.
In order to leave this section, press red stop button on “MANUAL” pad.
You will now have returned back to the Main Menu on the Green Screen display.
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (7) EXECUTE PROGRAM. E
Green Screen display. MANUAL OPERATION displayed on screen.
TOOL OFFSETS Page now displayed.
Tool No 0 (zero), E
Place TOOL 0 into the tool post. (Mine is a piece of steel in the shape of a small engineers square, pointing towards the chuck).
To move between the three settings below, “MANUAL” Press the HAND key and watch the display alter in the bottom right hand corner of the Green Screen display.
FAST FEED – Moves Very Quickly.
SLOW FEED – Moves More Slowly.
STEP FEED – Moves at 0.01m/m Increments Per Press.
Jog the tool up against the end of the turned bar in the chuck, in the Z direction, using “MANUAL” directional keys.
(Or, use the “SLIP” method. This requires the use of a known width “SLIP” which is slid in and out between the tool and the bar end whilst jogging the tool towards the bar, until it is considered a tight enough fit that it will not fall out under its own weight. This size is recorded but later you must return to the tool library to adjust the tool offsets to remove the “SLIP” width from the recorded sizes.)
To confirm this “Z” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP. (The cursor will move from “Touch Z0 Plane” down to “Touch known X diameter”.)
Jog the tool to carry out the same procedure, but this time in the X direction, against the bar diameter.
To confirm this “X” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP. (The cursor will move from “Touch known X diameter” down to “Key-In Dia”.)
Jog saddle away from bar in chuck, remove TOOL 0 from the tool post, place TOOL 1 into the tool post and begin the above process again.
You must start with, Tool No 1 E
Jog the tool up against the end of the turned bar in the chuck, in the Z direction.
To confirm this “Z” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP.
Jog the tool to carry out the same procedure, but this time in the X direction, against the bar diameter.
To confirm this “X” position in the offset library, “MANUAL” Press Red STOP.
Jog saddle away from bar in chuck, remove TOOL 1 from the tool post, place TOOL 2 into the tool post and begin the above process again for this and subsequent tools.
Now carry out a “DRY RUN”.
Now run the program using tools in the tool post but NO part in the chuck.
Machine runs up slowly, to continue, “MANUAL” Press Green START (sometimes more than once). Spindle will increase to program speed, then begin the program routine and end with a return to the tool change position.
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (7) EXECUTE PROGRAM. E “MANUAL” Press Red STOP
Green Screen display “F” 1 E
Machine runs up slowly, to continue, “MANUAL” Press Green START. Spindle will increase to program speed, then begin the program routine and end with a return to the tool change position.
If you are satisfied there will be no accident, run it again, this time include the tools placed in the tool post and return the part to the chuck.
If you used the “SLIP” method, the tool should not touch the bar in the chuck as it should be the slip width away in both X & Z directions. I used a 0.5mm “SLIP”.
Green Screen display. “DATA INPUT” Press (7) EXECUTE PROGRAM. E
TOOL OFFSETS Page now displayed.
T0 X 000.00 Z 000.00
T1 X -002.47 Z 042.83
To make alterations to the tool offsets, use the left, right, up, down SINGLE ARROW keys on the “DATA INPUT” pad.
NB. You must ONLY decrease the “X” figure by HALF the amount you wish to remove from the bar diameter. i.e. To decrease the bar diameter by 1.0mm you must reduce the “X” offset by 0.5mm.
For T1 X -0.25 to X -002.22 and Z +0.5 to Z 043.33
(This is assuming that a 0.5mm slip was used to set the tools.)
When all tools lengths and diameters have been adjusted, “DATA INPUT” F to EXIT. With the tools offset page showing on the Green Screen display, Press “F” 1 E “MANUAL” Press Green START.
Run the program and you should now have a completed part which will need its sizes checking and any minor alterations made to each tools offsets in the TOOL OFFSETS to achieve the desired finished part.
To REMOVE more material from work diameter, DECREASE “X” figure in tool offset for that tool.
To move tool TOWARDS the chuck, INCREASE “Z” figure in tool offset for that tool.
Remember to save your program if you wish to re-use it.
Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Helpful program Colin, just a couple of points.
Tool Number, Feedrate and Spindle speed are Global so after entering once in the program it will remain the same on following pages without entering, until you want to change the tool, feedrate or spindle speed the Gobal lines remain in force.
This reduces the time taken to enter a program as can be seen in your program at pages 7,8,9
Also for any page where only X and Z are used there is no need to enter the E for empty lines. (saves 3 E entries)
If you are using a computer with original DOS software to write the program then it is a good idea to state program type and units of measurement used, eg ABS/mm prog or INC/inch prog, using open and closed brackets this can be entered as the first line in the program. eg (ABS MM program)
For those who like to hear things explained as well see video below which shows how to enter a cyclic program.
If you want to view just how to enter a program using G&M code try this link, program entry starts at about 7mins 30 secs in.
Tool Number, Feedrate and Spindle speed are Global so after entering once in the program it will remain the same on following pages without entering, until you want to change the tool, feedrate or spindle speed the Gobal lines remain in force.
This reduces the time taken to enter a program as can be seen in your program at pages 7,8,9
Also for any page where only X and Z are used there is no need to enter the E for empty lines. (saves 3 E entries)
If you are using a computer with original DOS software to write the program then it is a good idea to state program type and units of measurement used, eg ABS/mm prog or INC/inch prog, using open and closed brackets this can be entered as the first line in the program. eg (ABS MM program)
For those who like to hear things explained as well see video below which shows how to enter a cyclic program.
If you want to view just how to enter a program using G&M code try this link, program entry starts at about 7mins 30 secs in.
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Sat 31 Oct , 2015 21:33 pm
- Hardware/Software: Denford Triac with original hardware/software
Denford Orac recently updated with Mac3 - Location: Redhill, Surrey. U.K.
Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Thanks for the info regarding the programing tip (entry saving etc).
I have viewed the videos on YouTube and very helpful they were, except for one flaw, I can't be inside watching the video and in my "Man Cave" programing my lathe at the same time. The logic behind this method, is that a newbie can take a "Print out" of this to his/her machine and program at their leisure.
I hope to improve on my first attempt, hence the reason to deliver it as issue 1. Watch this space.
Thanks for the info regarding the programing tip (entry saving etc).
I have viewed the videos on YouTube and very helpful they were, except for one flaw, I can't be inside watching the video and in my "Man Cave" programing my lathe at the same time. The logic behind this method, is that a newbie can take a "Print out" of this to his/her machine and program at their leisure.
I hope to improve on my first attempt, hence the reason to deliver it as issue 1. Watch this space.

Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Hello I need some advice please, I have to sell an Orac MWP84- not sure of best place to list it or much- anything about it
- Lone_Ranger
- CNC Expert
- Posts: 221
- Joined: Mon 01 Oct , 2007 15:23 pm
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Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Either here on the Denford Classified Adverts section or on Ebay ar the usual places to get the most exposure.
Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Thanks, is there a way to know if working or not, if I just plug it in is there a visible sign- I have no idea how to use it.
Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
Can anyone advise what sort of price I should ask for an ORAC machine please? thanks
Re: Orac MWP84 Initial Setup Guide to take Your “FIRST” cut.
For sale- Orac MWP84- housed In a workshop fairly easy access out, open to offers.