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Problems with machining order

Posted: Tue 21 Mar , 2017 19:26 pm
by TDIPower
With the recent discovery that QT2D ignores the tool profile for the parting tool I have taken to creating profiles where I carry out a grooving rather than Parting command on jobs over 30mm Dia.

Here in lies the new problem. QT2D now carries the grooving operation out before the external finishing path. I have tired to drag the external finishing to before the grooving in the 'rearranging profiles' section but it won't let me.

I am still working on speeds and feeds for my machine so I have attached 3 files.

The Drawing, (I have had to change the file extension to a TXT as LCM files are not permitted on the forum!)
The fnl file
and my current machine/material setup file. (I have had to change the file extension to a TXT as MML files are not permitted on the forum!)

Could you have a look and let me know how I can overcome the problem.

spacer 1 2.txt
(114.43 KiB) Downloaded 592 times
spacer 1 2.fnl
(3.51 KiB) Downloaded 565 times
Starturn5_Tooling_development 1.TXT
(17.07 KiB) Downloaded 610 times

Re: Problems with machining order

Posted: Wed 22 Mar , 2017 14:44 pm
by Steve

The problem is that the software only sees lines intersecting the center line as a parting cut.

Your problem is that your parting tool would crash into the component if its larger than 30mm diameter.

The simple solution is to just draw it as though it it could part off then edit the part off line of the FNL program.

The drilling will always be done first, then the rough turning then any lines the turning tool could reach will be cut with the Part off tool unless it intersects the centre line.

Re: Problems with machining order

Posted: Wed 22 Mar , 2017 14:49 pm
by Steve

The problem is that the software only sees lines intersecting the center line as a parting cut.

Your problem is that your parting tool would crash into the component if its larger than 30mm diameter.

The simple solution is to just draw it as though it it could part off then edit the part off line of the FNL program.

The drilling will always be done first, then the rough turning then any lines the turning tool could reach will be cut with the Part off tool unless it intersects the center line.

Re: Problems with machining order

Posted: Wed 22 Mar , 2017 15:56 pm
by TDIPower
Thanks for the response.

I know the parting tool would crash into the material here in lies the issue (raised in another dedicated post) as to why the program ignores the tooling profile for the parting tool and will write code to part off anything over 30mm.
Hence why I changed it to being a grooving, as the bore is 17mm dia this will part off as I require.
All I wanted to do was change the finishing cut to before the grooving/parting cut but it won't let me.

I'm finding the program quite frustrating as there are no instructions to speak of, I'm not an education establishment and have paid for this out of my own pocket. I at least expected some form of instructions along the lines of those supplied with the other programs. I have been a Denford user at work for 17years and the instruction supplied with all the equipment VRmilling, 2 - 5, LathCAM designer etc have a lot of information on how to set up, customise and use the programs. Why has QT2D not got the same level of support?

I was informed that there would be issues with the threading instruction produced by QT2D in relation to using with my Starturn 5 but not told there wasn't a decent user manual. Could you please take the time to look at my other posts re tooling and materials to at least help e get those set up so I'm not blundering about in the dark.

Many thanks