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Spam Robots and being banned

Posted: Fri 16 Mar , 2007 11:36 am
by Denford Admin
The forum is constantly abused by automatic spam robots which register as a user in order to promote sex, drugs, and rock n roll

These people with nothing better to do are always finding ways around the registration process - to make my life hell :evil:

I have changed the default registration form to try and spot the robots.
Please read it very carefully when filling it in, as entering data into certain fields will cause you to be banned.

Certain email addresses are also banned from registering, these are the ones favoured by the spammers.

If you find you are unable to register, then please contact me and I will create an account for you manually :D

Posted: Fri 14 Dec , 2007 11:42 am
by Denford Admin
Have changed the registration process again, to try and stop these time wasters.

90% of them were filling in their location as either "World" or "USA" so if you enter either of these, then you will be denied and your IP address banned.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but I would even prefer to create user accounts manually, than delete the hundreds of spam messages and users every day.

Posted: Tue 20 May , 2008 9:04 am
by Denford Admin
Have also banned any .cn email addresses.

We are currently getting lots of spam people (ie, not robots) joining up from china.

If you genuinely want to join up, and have a chinese email, then I'll setup an account manually for you.