Denford Viceroy TDS VSD conversion

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CNC Expert
CNC Expert
Posts: 245
Joined: Sat 19 Aug , 2006 11:31 am
Hardware/Software: Viceroy TDS 1/1GB lathe, Imperial, stripped down and rebuilt.
Viceroy Taper/Tracer attachment, Shop made cross slide tracer attachment, VSD.
Location: New Zealand

Re: Denford Viceroy TDS VSD conversion

Post by dazz » Mon 18 May , 2020 9:24 am

Five years after a post that said I had been working on my next VFD conversion, a Brazilian made Nardini lathe, here is the result.
It isn't a Viceroy lathe but I used the Viceroy to make parts for the conversion. This included pulleys for the poly-vee belt conversion.

I replaced the entire electrical system, motor, coolant pump and switches to install the VFD. The only electrical part not replaced was the fwd/stop/rev switch on the tailstock end of the lathe. I tried to make the whole thing look like it was factory original. The lathe was probably built in the late 1970's, so the VFD couldn't be factory.

All of the incandescent lamps are replaced with similar looking LED versions. The switch positions are adapted to control the VFD, so no empty holes. As with the Viceroy conversion, the added control panel is the only dead giveaway that it isn't original. I couldn't decide where it should be located, so it is mounted on a highly adjustable articulated arm. It is high enough to clear tools placed on top of the headstock. The control panel adds a LED bar power meter and an e-stop switch to the controls installed on the Viceroy. The artwork is designed to match the style of the original factory labels.

The control system is wired to allow for a CNC retrofit in the future, if I ever get around to it. The completion of the Nardini conversion is likely to trigger sale of the Viceroy. I don't really need two lathes.

The new poly vee belt drive system, made to look factory. Painted to match the original back gears.
IMG_0052.JPG (262.15 KiB) Viewed 6726 times
LED conversion of main control panel
IMG_0030.JPG (333.93 KiB) Viewed 6726 times
Added control panel with jog, rpm control, rpm display, power display and e-stop,
IMG_0057.JPG (214.06 KiB) Viewed 6726 times
3.8 kW VFD with protection and control system.
IMG_0056.JPG (329.49 KiB) Viewed 6726 times


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