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Starturn4 Jay spindle control board with C11 Bob

Posted: Mon 25 Mar , 2024 11:47 am
by Greg G0XDX
Any help appreciated
Starturn 4 early model originally with a Jay spindle control board

Jay Board has a 2.4k pot manually controlling speed , when i measure this its 7vDC across the pot with the wiper giving 0-7v back into the Jay board

My C11 BOB has 0-10V DC analog output

I think i can tone down the voltage to 7v or maybe reduce the input supply but is it just as simple as remove the pot and take the BOB GND and BOB 0-10v output to the point on the Jay board where the pot wiper was connected and the pot ground.

also on my model the relays are integral into the Slave board
i assume i can simply retain all that and the relay functionality of the manual stop start and emergency stop button and just put the BOB spindle enable relay inline with the 240vac feed into the Jay spindle controller from the original relays ie old and new relays in series , so i arm the spindle with its normal original switched relay system then control the on off once armed with the new BOB relay
Or is there a better way to do it ?
