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Axis will not jog or home or jogs the wrong way

Posted: Wed 22 Feb , 2006 14:45 pm
by bradders
Axis will not jog or home or jogs the wrong way

Posted: Wed 22 Feb , 2006 14:46 pm
by bradders
(Can be Faulty Drive, Loose wires on the axis plug and socket on the Denstep, Faulty motors)

A. The datum limit switch on the axis may be faulty (i.e. dust ingress) Clean obstruction and press limit switch by hand and check for clicking noise, can also use electrical meter to check if a CHANGE OVER of the contact is working. If the axis has not been homed it will not jog.

A. Try the secret button to get the JOG tab and see if the axis will jog in both directions.
Double mouse click the following areas
VR Milling Ver 5 (Between X and XYZ buttons)
VR Milling Ver 2 (Between “Z Axis ONLY” and “HOME ALL” buttons in the LEFT margin horizontal to the gap in between the two buttons).

A. Check that all the motor wires are correctly fitted and not loose in the orange connectors on the Denstep / Nextstep board. (See below)

A. Switch the faulty axis plug on the drive board with the one you know works. If the fault then moves onto the other axis then the drive card may be faulty.

On drive / controller board in control box or machine itself
Far top right Orange Plug / Socket - X-axis
Far top right to the left of X-axis Orange Plug / Socket - Y axis
Far bottom right Orange Plug / Socket - Z axis

A. Reinstall the VR software, someone could have reprogrammed the arrow, page up or page down keys in SETUP, SETUP MACHINE PARAMETERS.